Welcome to the Tesla Memorial Society of New York Website


The architect Stanford White was Nikola Tesla's friend.  He designed Tesla's Wardenclyffe laboratory in Shoreham, Long Island, where Tesla wanted to build the first broadcasting and telecommunication center in the world.  The Tesla Tower, adjacent to the Wardenclyffe laboratory, was designed by one of White's associates.  Stanford White's death on the roof Madison Garden on June 25, 1906, was a tragic event for Tesla.  Harry Thaw, a multimillionaire, murdered Stanford White the famous architect out of jealously on the roof of Madison Square Garden. 

Stanford White changed the face of New York City in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, transforming its brown stone exterior buildings into a shimmering of modern Renaissance architecture.  White designed buildings and decorated interiors that gave distinction to the New York cityscape.  His masterpieces includes Madison Square Garden, Washington Square Arch, The Players, Metropolitan, and Colony clubs and the vanished Fifth Avenue palaces of the Whitneys, Vanderbilts and Pulitzers. 

Stanford White could be called the Michelangelo of New York.

Newspaper article on the death of Stanford White by the New York American

